Logging into the EUSD App on a Student iPad

The EUSD app should already be installed on the student iPad.

If it is not installed you can install it from the Self Service app. Just search for EUSD.

Once installed, open the app and choose to "Allow" notifications.

To enlarge the app on the iPad screen click the double-arrow icon in the bottom right of the screen.

To get to Rooms click the Rooms icon.

You may need to scroll the screen to see the Google icon.

Click on the Google icon.

Sign in with the student 6 digit EUSD lunch number followed by "@eusd.org".

On the next screen enter the lunch number again and the lunch number password.

You will now see all of your students listed (if you have more than one) and be able to choose their class (if they have more than one) and be able to go directly into the Stream (to see announcements) or Messages or Behavior.

Auth: M.B.