Updated Articles

  1. Teacher Workspace: Tips and Tricks

    Teachers juggle multiple resources and tasks throughout the instructional day, so any bit of relief they can get is a big help.  There is a great multitude of apps, systems, and guides at their disposal, most of them - a crucial part of the curric...
  2. [Guide] JAMF Parent

    A guide on JAMF Parent, features and instructions
  3. Student Transportation: Here Comes The Bus

    The "Here Comes The Bus" (HCTB) mobile or Web application allows parents and guardians to track their children’s way from home to the school and back, and also receive notifications whenever delays or bus substitutions happen. Registration and Ac...
  4. Our Schools

    https://www.eusd.org/ → "Schools" from the menu.
  5. Troubleshooting PaperCut macOS Issues

    PaperCut Client for macOS Troubleshooting If you are having issues printing, or you are not seeing the prompts after submitting a print job, you can check to see if PaperCut is properly installed. Check to make sure you have both icons in th...
  6. Parents & Guardians: Using the EUSD Rooms App and edurooms.com

    Parents and guardians can access Rooms two ways. Access Rooms through the Rooms app inside the EUSD app. Access Rooms through the website edurooms.com in a browser on a computer or mobile device. Using Rooms in the EUSD App Download the ...
  7. EUSD Password Portal (Self Service)

    Powered by Rapid Identity, EUSD Password Portal allows users to recover or reset their passwords and update their challenge questions.  As of 2022, the minimum requirements for EUSD passwords are: Be at least 8 characters long ; 14 is better ...
  8. Parents & Guardians: Turning On Notifications For The EUSD App / Padres y Tutores: Activar notificaciones para la aplicación EUSD

    Follow these screenshots to ensure you have notifications turned on for the Thrillshare app. There are 2 types of notifications: popup notifications and email notifications. This article is for popup notifications. Click here for setting up em...
  9. Padres y tutores: Agregar a otra estudiante a su cuenta de Habitaciones "Rooms" (Spanish version)

    Para la versión en inglés, haga clic aquí Comuníquese con su escuela si ya configuró su cuenta de Rooms pero ahora necesita agregar otro estudiante. Recibirá información con el número de estudiante de su hijo, un código mágico especial que vinc...
  10. Parents & Guardians: Adding Another Student to Your Rooms Account (English version)

    For Spanish version please click here. Contact your school if you have already set up your Rooms account but now need to add another student. You will receive information with your child's student number, a special magic code that links your st...