EUSD is leveraging Rapid Identity Cloud Portal for self-service password resets, account recovery, and security questions setup. The portal can be found at
The first and very important step each employee must take is claim their account by following these steps:
- Navigate to the Claim My Account Portal;
- Click on the "Claim My Account" button;
- Enter your EUSD email address and your unique claim code provided to you in weekly reminders or by HR/IS&T personnel;
- For existing employees who already used Google Apps but haven't claimed their account, enter your current EUSD password - don't set up a new password if you don't want to change it at that time! Proceed to step 6;
- For brand new employees who have never gone through the claim process or signed into EUSD Google Apps: set your password that satisfies all of the following requirements:
- 8 or more characters
- at least 1 upper case letter
- at least 1 lower case letter
- at least 1 numeric character
- at least 1 special character
- Set your challenge questions and answers. You will be required to pick from a collection of predefined questions - a minimum of 2 such questions is required. Then, at the very bottom, you will also need to set up at least one question of your own. Answers to security (or challenge) questions have a character count requirement - please ensure your input satisfies those requirements before submitting your choice.
A success message will display, and you will be taken to the Rapid Identity account screen. This means you have successfully claimed your account and can now use this portal to reset your password, update some personal information for the portal use, and change your challenge questions and responses.
After claiming your account if you have forgotten your password or locked your account out, follow the steps in this guide to reset your password/account lock.