Fine Management: Student Devices & Accessories

Disclaimer : this article will not touch on how to get to fines or edit them.  To learn about that side of fine management, please refer to the following article: link.

Recommended Setup

Even though assigning copy specific fines will prevent the copy from transferring (which could be a blessing, not a curse), it is recommended that you set up copy specific fines for everything related to iPads, hotspots, and accessories of thereof: it makes for a quicker fine assignment.

Refer to the latest Technology Use guide posted on for information on finable items and repeated offenses.  Because fine amounts differ depending on whether it is a first, second, or greater offense, it is recommended that each offense is created as a separate fine type for each item.  Below is the screenshot of such setup (created in the CGEC library).

Note the 100% of Cost entries on "iPad Dmg/Replace 3rd offense" and "Orbic Hotspot Dm/R 3rd offense".  Because these are copy specific fine types, the % of cost is taken from the item's purchase price - only use the % of cost when you want the system to auto-calculate the fine from the scanned item's cost.  You cannot use copy specific fine types with unbarcoded items which brings us to the next point.

Fines for Unbarcoded Items

Device accessories like chargers, headsets, cases, and keyboards - more often than not are never barcoded.  Keyboards, for example, are not even entered as separate resources in Destiny.  Headsets due to their size (also considered consumables) are also difficult to barcode, so even though their titles exist in the Resource Manager, items themselves are merely numbers without identifiers (barcodes).  All of these accessories, however, are part of each individual "device kit":

  • MacBook + cable + power block + adapter (a.k.a. "dongle")
  • iPad + case + keyboard + cable + power block + headset
  • iPad + case + keyboard + cable + power block + earbud
  • Hotspot + cable + power block

Therefore, it is recommended to link fines for damaged/lost accessories to the devices/items they go with:

  • A student has set an uncatalogued keyboard on fire? - Well, keyboards are not sold separately, so the fine type is going to be "iPad Rugged Case 1st offense", and you will need to scan/copy-paste/type the barcode of the iPad that this keyboard was meant for.
  • Family dog has chewed up (for the third time!) a student's brand new earpod that's cataloged as an unbarcoded resource? - There should be a copy specific fine type for that, something like "iPad Hdset/Earbud 3rd offense" - which you will select and link to that student's iPad.  Same goes for charging bricks (with cables).

You can create separate fine types for different types of headsets if desired and/or change amounts or percentages as you go and when needed.  Let's suppose that headset's full price is 16$, and earbud's is $20.  An ideal generic fine type is the one that applies to about 80% of your fines: if most of your students are using earbuds, then the fine for 3 and more offenses should be $20.  Or you can create separate "final" fines for earbuds and headsets.

For Your Convenience

You can always copy-paste fine type names and reference fine amounts from the list below (good as of 3/10/2022) but for the most up-to-date information, please check the website.

Name Type Fine
iPad Brick & Cable 1st offense Copy Specific 15
iPad Brick & Cable 2nd offense Copy Specific 25
iPad Brick & Cable 3rd offense Copy Specific 35
iPad Dmg/Replace 1st offense Copy Specific 45
iPad Dmg/Replace 2nd offense Copy Specific 115
iPad Dmg/Replace 3rd offense Copy Specific 100%
iPad Hdset/Earbud 1st offense Copy Specific 5
iPad Hdset/Earbud 2nd offense Copy Specific 10
iPad Hdset/Earbud 3rd offense Copy Specific 16
iPad Rugged Case 1st offense Copy Specific 20
iPad Rugged Case 2nd offense Copy Specific 40
iPad Rugged Case 3rd offense Copy Specific 99.95
Orbic Hotspot Chgr 1st offense Copy Specific 2.5
Orbic Hotspot Chgr 2nd offense Copy Specific 5
Orbic Hotspot Chgr 3rd offense Copy Specific 8
Orbic Hotspot Dm/R 1st offense Copy Specific 20
Orbic Hotspot Dm/R 2nd offense Copy Specific 40
Orbic Hotspot Dm/R 3rd offense Copy Specific 100%