Follett Remote - Offline Circulation


Follett Remote is a standalone light application that does not require admin user confirmation for installation or setup. This application can be downloaded for your Operating System of choice (Dell = Windows, MacBook = Macintosh) from Follett Destiny's online user guide (hosted by Follett).  As of the time of this article, the link to the user guide page is this: link.

Follett Remote can be used in locations with intermittent Internet connection or in cases of system-wide outages when either Internet or the on-premise Destiny server is down (  This application creates text files (TXT) based on your circulation choices and stores them in the folder of your choosing (defined during the initial setup or can be reconfigured later).  These files contain a combination of special circulation codes identified by % prefix, copy/item barcodes, and patron barcodes (if checking out).  To transfer the history of circulations to Destiny once it's up and running or is accessible, these files would be uploaded on the Offline Circulation screen, saving you some repetitive work.

Installation and Setup

Follett Remote is not part of any default configurations on EUSD machines, but as it does not require admin credentials, it can be installed at will and as needed.

The first mandatory step is to download and install Follett Remote from the Follett User Guide.


To make it truly independent of the network shares and Internet connection, download the Windows installation package to your C drive.  It's recommended that you create a folder on the C drive to store your Follett Remote application.  You can call it "Destiny Offline", for example.

The installation package comes in form of an archive, Save the archive to your selected location.  You may get an alert from your browser's download process that the file is insecure.  Open your download  window in the browser and click "Keep" to finalize the download.

Extract the contents of into your selected location.  The only file inside is FollettRemote.exe - an executable.

Double-click on the executable to run the application.  Since it's the first time you're launching this application (this specific file), it will prompt you to set up initial locations for future data files:

The resulting screen, after you click OK, will display four locations for four circulation type files with the default path.  If that path doesn't exist, it will be created on your C drive.

Here, you can change file locations paths to something else.  Do avoid network locations as those may not be available in case of a crisis.  Clicking "Save" will create the Follett Remote directory (as in this example).  This simple setup process will generate a FolletRemote2.DAT file in the same directory as the executable.  If you decide to more FollettRemote.exe to a different location, make sure to keep the DAT file with it.  Otherwise you'll be prompted to go through setup again.

Then, the application will display the user interface and the default option for Library circulation.  It will also automatically create a circulation text file with the current date and use that file to log all Library circulation actions that you perform.


Check In and Check Out views have different color palettes.  You will need to switch between them using button navigation - as necessary.

To switch to Resource circulation, go to Function → Asset → Circulation.  This will create a separate TXT file for logging.

MacBook (coming soon)

Usage and Notes

The FollettRemote.exe file that you extracted from the archive is the entirety of the remote circulation application (along with it's DAT file).  It's best to throw it into the Follet Remote folder (or any other custom folder in C drive) and create a shortcut to it on your Desktop for easy access.

The app will open a new instance every time you launch the EXE.  It will not close the previous instance!  When that happens and if those instances are used for the same type of circulation (Library, for example), they will run into a conflict because they're both trying to use the same TXT file to write circulations to.  That's just your normal Windows file system behavior.

You absolutely can run Library and Resource circulation at the same time by having two instances of the FollettRemote.exe app and have them side by side.  To switch to Resource circulation, go to Function → Asset → Circulation.  Again, this will create a separate TXT file.

Don't forget to switch between Check In and Check Out options when needed.  Also remember that for Check Out, you have to enter patron barcode and hit the Enter key (or do that using the scanner) for it to take patron info.

To switch between patrons, you have to click the "New Patron" button first, then enter the new barcode and hit Enter.

Whether you exit the app (File → Exit) or close it with X, doesn't matter - whatever you already processed is already in the text file at that point.  The next time you launch the app, it will reopen "today's" file.  You can use File → Erase Scans function to clear out entries from the TXT file and start the next round of circulations if working within the same day.

This standalone application has absolutely no information on what your environment is like and what copies or resources it has, so it's not going to alert you if an item is at a different site or if it exists at all.  The FollettRemote.exe application is taking everything you enter into it as the truth.  The only time when you will see any errors is when you upload the offline circulation TXT file to Destiny and check the job status details.

To transfer these circulation logs to Destiny once it's accessible, navigate to Circulation → Offline Circulation.  Do note that there are different tabs for Library and Resource files.  Even though you will receive errors in the job details anyway, you can save yourself the headache of troubleshooting by switching to the correct tab for the corresponding upload.

Click Browse on the corresponding offline circulation tab and navigate to your Follett Remote directory where you have the TXT file.  Add the custom circulation date if needed. Submit the request to process the file.

You will be taken to the Job queue which can also be accessed through Admin → Job Manager.  Once the job finishes running, you will be able to "View" the details of what transpired.  This is the time to make note of items that failed to process and address them manually.  If an item doesn't belong to your site, please coordinate with the owner site's library admin to process the item.