Destiny Resource Manager will display most recently checked in items for the day on the Check In Items screen under Circulation - as long as the user doing it is logged in and not switching to other library sites. Although it's not an actual report, it provides some information on what was checked in as well as when it was lasted checked out and to whom.
To generate a usable Excel report listing items recently checked in, use the Report Builder located under Reports:
- Reports → Report Builder → New Report (or verify and reuse a report from last year if you or your predecessor have created one).
- Type: Resource; information: Items
- Template, Resource Types: select all that apply. For example, if only running for equipment, select everything under Tablets as well as Hotspots under Network
- Item Information (the list of fields will change based on which and how many resource types you select): select all fields you'd like to see on the final report. Recommended: Barcode, Condition, Date Last Accounted For, Serial Number, Status, Displayable Name, Resource Type
- Skipping step 2, you can define the order of columns in step 3 and sorting in step 4. Skip step 5. In step 6, select Report Limiters as follows:
- Date Last Accounted For — equals — ##/##/#### (type in the date of circulation) — AND
- Status — doe not equal — Checked Out (remember, we're looking for items that are checked in a.k.a. available, lost, or stolen, so we don't need those that were checked out... or you can include everything by NOT defining the second criteria at all if you'd like)
- Name your report, then "Save & Run"
- Refresh the jobs list until you see "View" next to the report (or simply come back a few minutes later!); you will also see the "Excel" option. Click "Excel" to download the .xlsx
The resulting file will not contain patron specific details but has enough information on devices to use elsewhere.
Template for the report described above can be downloaded here and reused at each site from Reports → Report Builder → Import Setup: RecentCirculation.xml