Popular Articles

  1. Parents & Guardians: Turning On Notifications For The EUSD App / Padres y Tutores: Activar notificaciones para la aplicación EUSD

    Follow these screenshots to ensure you have notifications turned on for the Thrillshare app. There are 2 types of notifications: popup notifications and email notifications. This article is for popup notifications. Click here for setting up em...
  2. Nudge

    Nudge will remind you that a macOS update is needed by displaying a window with the required update. Nudge will remind you every 30 minutes unless you choose a different deferral time and you can defer the update by selecting the Defer button at the...
  3. STAFF: Self Service Account Claim Process

    EUSD is leveraging Rapid Identity Cloud Portal for self-service password resets, account recovery, and security questions setup.  The portal can be found at portal.eusd.org . The first and very important step each employee must take is claim their...
  4. Padres y tutores: Regístrese para Habitaciones "Rooms" (Spanish version)

    Para la versión en inglés, haga clic aquí. Rooms Rooms es la aplicación móvil de comunicación bidireccional para que las familias envíen mensajes a los maestros y vean las tareas y los anuncios de la clase. Los nuevos padres y tutores del distr...
  5. Creating Emergency Labels in Gmail

    Configuring a Red 'Emergency' Label for Emails from emergency@eusd.org : NOTE: The labels feature may not work in email apps other than the native Gmail app. Every message from the emergency@eusd.org address has its subject line prepended w...
  6. Cómo ver Notas y Puntos de Comportamiento

    English Una vez que haya iniciado sesión en la aplicación del EUSD, verá la pantalla de inicio donde podrá elegir un estudiante, elegir una clase y elegir un elemento del menú. Haga clic en Comportamiento y luego verá la pantalla Descripción ...
  7. How-To Access WiFi At a Hotel or Conference (Captive Portal)

    Have you ever gone out of town to a conference or on vacation but you just can't seem to get on the WiFi? There is a reason and a solution. Many hotels, restaurants and coffee shops use something called a Captive Portal. The Captive Portal collects ...
  8. How to View Behavior Points and Notes

    Spanish Once you are logged into the EUSD app you will see the home screen where you can choose a student, choose a class, and choose a menu item. Click on Behavior and then you will see the Behavior Student Overview screen showing points and...
  9. Our Schools

    https://www.eusd.org/ → "Schools" from the menu.
  10. How to Turn On Email Notifications is the EUSD App

    Español Make sure you have the latest version of the EUSD app by either deleting the current app on your phone and reinstalling it from the app store or by finding the EUSD app in the app store and clicking 'Update'. Once you have the latest ...